Monday, October 24, 2005

the roomie.

you see, when you live with someone, the most amazingly stupid things can happen.
like, my wonderful roommate, has been complaining that her wireless ain't working. so we get down in front of the computer, pressing this and that button, clicking on random configurations, crossing our fingers that it'll start working. but it doesn't... so.

"no no! i don't want to reformat the computer."

"but tee, that might be the reason why your computer's not working LAH!"

"eh, how do you on and off your wireless arh?"

"oh, my laptop got a button in front then can on and off one lor. i'm not sure if yours have."

[she fiddles around looking for a button...]

"(mumbles) i think this is the one..."

"if it is i will SO LAUGH TILL I DIE."

"...OMG. YES!!!!!!!! it's WORKING!!!!!!"

lo and behold. my roomie's back on the line. [after laughing so bad that my dad knocked on the wall to ask us to keep it down. hurr.]


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