Monday, August 02, 2004

It's been the most amazing journey that I've travelled these past few months and those of you who have heard me complaining about carrying the stupid keyboards and amps,would say,well it's all over.but's not over for's only the beginning.
I still remember distinctly sitting in the SALT room and talking to jill and jas about auditioning for this musical thingy.saying how much time it's gonna take up in our sec four year.but now I think,none of us have any regrets about being part of the bangsters.
We travelled the road less travelled and look,here we are,we made the grade guys!
I'm missing every part of the musical.yes.including eating along the corridor to the green room.the dressing room where we spend like the entire time waiting till we were needed.having a rolling good time in there literally.rolling about in bouts of's amazing.i think we could live that kinda life right bangsters?i actually miss playing blame and carrying amps and seems like just yesterday that we were complaining about playing songs in weird keys and weird tempos and everything was just weird.but then,it became part of seems like just yesterday that we were sitting in such an unprofessional manner,with no proper arrangement what so ever.and just playing notes.but when it came to the real thing.we played it the way wenfu wanted it to be.the way we perceived it to be,we played it with feelings.we played the music like never before.we did it.we got ourselves to where we are now,and hopefully it's only the beginning.
I've travelled this journey with the most awesome bunch of people and the memories we had together.will never be forgotten.and we'll definitely have more good times together.meanwhile.i'll just sign off here for now.update again

I looked for you in the crowd,then I realized that you won't come.


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