Sunday, March 06, 2005

ok.i was really really overwhelmed yesterday by the internet so here i go again.i'm supposed to be studying my HOI (history of ideas) notes online.ok.but anyway.
ohh...i have to thank God for my o's result.well,it's not FANTASTIC compared to all the 0s and and 6s that people get,in fact it's quite bad.but,i am super happy and extremely satisfied with my results thank you.well,considering that i knew that i was going to aussie,and then the offer was unconditional yadayada...BUT.i still worked my butt off for that A2 that i've never EVER gotten for math in my entire life.and so i'm extremely satisfied with my results.thank you God.couldn't have done it without all my friends and teachers,i couldn't have done it without your endless support.especially all my math teachers.thank you for not letting me off the hook and endlessly chasing me to do more math papers.and sitting there with me and making sure i did my work.and the corrections.thank you thank you.friends!thank you for all the encouragement and all.i just needed to hear that "you can do it!" when i thought that i couldnt.

about my life so far in Melbourne,it's quite interesting and very different from life in Singapore.i shall not say anything abt the admin here.but the life here is quite good.i'm gonna watch the grand prix!ok.i mean how often in Singapore do i get to sit on the grass,watch the people go by,and eat my lunch?how often in Singapore can i see the southern cross?NEVER.and let me tell you,that cross,is such a beautiful sight to behold,it just takes your breath away.but you can only see it in the suburbs.heh.not in the's a bit too bright here.but i realised that here,especially when i walk to school,i use that time,to just appreciate the things around me.something that i never got to do in Singapore due to the fast paced life there.and i mean the weather there is terrible to walk anywhere in the first i spend time with God on my way to school.just that few mins before i meet my friends to walk to school,is never enough.i always want more of that time.but those few mins are's amazing that those big trees that shield you from the sun,grew from a tiny seed.all you had to do was watch and wait.all these tiny things are often forgotten in this ever changing and sleepless world.

so sit down and just feel innocent like a child again sometimes,who's amazed by the smallest of things.and just love those moments.i certainly do.
jun,thanks for the advice. :)

i'm living life,loving life,and living love.


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