Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Departed: depart.

Here I am, sitting in film class, typing a film review. Well, kinda anyway.
The Departed was a highly entertaining film, but I'm not sure if in the right way. Beside the script in which every line was punctuated with the 'f' word, the American culture was clearly portrayed I must say. The storyline which was a direct take from the Hong Kong film Infernal Affairs, so nothing much can be said about that cos it was of course really good.

Ahwell, I shall stop rating The Departed against Infernal Affairs but I truly was disappointed with the direction and everything. It felt as it they just filmed this whole big blockbuster for the sake of having a stellar cast and a huge poster on the billboard. There was never a time during the show that was heightened enough to be considered a climax. Except probably the scene where Cotigan was nearly found out in Costello's gang. All in all, I say a 4/10 at the max.

We're studying Japanese Anime today. So it's back to that for now.


Blogger teandsympathy said...

Haha I thought it was just too convenient how Costigan managed to evade detection...

But I see we have similar reviews about the movie...hehe...


1:41 AM  

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