Saturday, September 30, 2006

Operation Taz ver. 0.2.

So, now onto Day Two. We took a three hour ride from our backpackers to the foot of Cradle Mountain to get our passes and then start. Oh man, so exciting, so excited. But I slept on the bus. Haha. The scenery was amazing really. The photo on the left is of Mount Roland. Gorgeous. There was a rainbow further up, but couldn't catch a good one of it. Mount Roland resides opposite a small village called Paradise. The reason for the naming is of course, as such. It really is such a paradise there. Green pastures and flowing water. Wow. The horse on the right is Socks! Well, I actually named him Socks because he has white socks on his legs! I actually also have an obsession for that name. Hurhur. Anyway, our driver Leigh stopped by to feed Socks. I asked him if he did that everytime he drove by, and he said, 'I've never met him!' How cute is that! So Socks got lots of cuddles from us! Hehe. I felt so suaku. As if I've never seen a horse in my life or something.

On reaching the visitor centre, we purchased our 'passports' into the national park, and officially took our first step of our journey. We took a shuttle bus to Dove Lake and signed in at the rest hut before going on our trek. Of course we had to take a photo! We started on our very arduous journey then and of course, we had to find an adventure. You see, Debs' pack cover, which you see in the second photo, isn't like all of ours. Hers was too small for her pack! So it kinda got blown by the wind into the lake. Haha! So all our army boys were sent to retrieve the cover which then became a sleeping bag cover for WaiHong. Our first checkpoint, Marion's lookout, was sure a tough one to get to. The term rock scrambling does not do the difficulty justice. I stepped up rocks till my quads felt like it was on fire. The weight on my back felt like the world. Each time I managed to get to flat groud, I had to stop to let all the blood run back into my head. With all the winds blowing and hail-ish like rain beating your face, I just felt like giving up. Saying, 'Can I please go back down?' But with all the encourgament, and pulling up, I knew I had strong hands to hold onto. Those that would keep me from flying away. We made it to the top. The scenery was breathtaking. Especially after such a difficult path, you would be more than amazed. The happiness of stopping was shortlived, because in typical Singaporean kiasu style, we wanted to grab a space in the hut as early as we could. We set off once again, into unpredictable weather. Truly, today was by God's grace. And for that I am thankful. The boys cooked up a lovely dinner, instant rice and hot milo never tasted so good. We knocked off at an early 7pm and woke up of course, every other hour. I felt like I hadn't slept the next day.

But that's a story for another day.

Thursday, September 28, 2006


And it would just be a little further to go. Senses, still intact. Check. It's getting kinda crazy in here. And warm, I might add. I realised I won't remember yesterday till tomorrow comes. Nothing much to lose really, just things that mattered. But they won't matter anymore.

Where it lies, in between everything grey. Black and whites are no more colours. Now while the sun sets and the city starts to sleep, I'll be right here brooding over thoughts that should have been sorted out long ago. The treadmill will stop moving and the speed shall slow down to two. Now in another world apart, take what I have laid there.

While the sun rises for yet another stretch, 'Sure is for people who don't love enough.'

Imagine me and You.

Monday, September 25, 2006

It's when...

life and pain takes you by that thin thread of yours, that you learn to trust, learn to hang on, and learn not to break.

For there is You.

Operation Taz ver. 0.1.

Day One of Operation Taz had me all the butterflies in my stomach. Can I make it? Maybe I won't. We started the day at an early 9am and got down the reshuffling of gear and packing and re-packing. Trust me, it takes alot of energy to squash everything down to size and then into the bag again. We committed the trip to God and off we were!

Not that I have something bad to say about Jetstar, but really, the take off was scary. Well, I guess it could have been the turbulance or something like that, but, really! I held on to my armrests till my knuckles turned white! I spent the better part of the flight sleeping and lo and behold, when I woke up, we were about the land in the very small Launceston airport. I walked into the terminal expecting to find some conveyor belts on which our packs should magically appear, but no, they had a trailer pulling lots of bagguage into a round concrete area and everyone just dashes for their bags. Well, finding my bag was quite an experience. Thank God for bright colours!

Well, Launceston saw us checking into our backpackers with dodgy doors [if you really want to know, ask me.] and then walking around. Buying extra gear, chocolates, and more chocolates. The town is really quaint. I totally fell in love with this teddy bear shop. Of course, our tummy's were growling, and so began the protein pileup. After buying stuff from ChickenFeed which is like their Bi-Lo or something, we took our sorta preparation walk to see the suspension bridge and veryvery lovely evening. It's so different from being in the city really. For once, being quiet was all that mattered. Each blade of grass responds to the ray of light that falls on it. How beautiful, how peaceful, how serene. Well, that's just the start of nature really. More to come, so much more.

We headed for the Irish Pub [yes! I'm 18!] and had such lovely porterhouse steaks with mushroom sauce for 10bucks! Beat that! Shamrocks had such wonderful Apple Crumble [Jingyi!] and oh... I have to stop talking about this now, I really am drooling. Just know that it was complete bliss. Ahh. Yumm. One thing good about going on hikes, is that you never have to feel guilty about eating too much cos you're gonna burn it all away. Hurhur.

For today, before I'm over and out, music doesn't have to come from an MP3 player, or a voice. It's sometimes really just peacefulness and being still that you hear the most.
And it comes from the heart.

Sunday, September 24, 2006


I am back from a crazy 86km in 3day hike. Injured, battered, bruised. But, veryvery blessed by the experience.

I will be blogging about the trip in a few parts I suppose, but it is something I would love to share with you all. It will be as image heavy as I think it should be. But, well, I guess words nor photos can describe all that.

To the people that left comments, HELLO! (: Tag again then I can reply! Haha!

Till, later.

Monday, September 18, 2006


Comments are up people, so you can finally make some noise about my posts.

And I just realised that I haven't played golf in AGES. Another thing to do on my to-do-list.

You are.

And I'll sing Your praises forever
Deeper in love with You
Here in Your courts
Where I'm close to Your throne
I've found where I belong

In Your arms of forever

Saturday, September 16, 2006


My body's tired, and it is going to get its much deserved rest for these few days. No more pushing the 3km in 20mins.
I believe I am rather ready to take this on. Thanks to Jingyi today, I managed to get a few things that I would have put off till Monday, except that I really can't wait or concentrate on my work. So I spent the whole afternoon looking for gaitors and other essentials. Hurhur. Thank you very much buddy(: Apple Crumble, I am looking forward! And and the beltpack. Hehe. My gaitors are really nice. I like. Very much.

Then it was back to PekoPeko for a lovely dinner with people I can laugh with. It was an amazing time of catch up and talking about everything under the sun.

Well, I am feeling a bit bummed cos' I've short changed myself for the take home test by going to Tazzy. I have a week, but basically I have now only 3 days. But I know I can get through it really. And only because of Him.

So I am all set for a week getaway, really into the wilderness this time(:

It's just the nearness of You.

Friday, September 15, 2006

I'm a w-rapper.

I am so at a loss for words really.

We bungeed really. With so much faith. How amazing is our God.


Secondstoreyskits, you guys are the bomb dudes!

My vocab is limited to so much now.

The lastest update with me now is really my new job. Which I quite looked forward to this week actually. I'm officially a w-rapper. Hurhur. No pun intended. I spend most of my time at work gift wrapping and making boxes. I have NEVER made so many silver boxes of different shape and sizes at one go. The best thing about this job really, that it's quite a no-brainer. Well, you DO have to use some, but not much. So I kept thinking about so many other things while my hands just worked. Keeping my hands busy. The people there are really nice too. So patient. I took forever to tie the perfect bow, it still isn't, but well, I must say it's rather presentable. Haha! And today I got to use the tape gun! Hurhur. I got promoted. Okay. Not really.

I know you really don't want to know this part of my boring life. But anyway, I'm outta here.

The bloo monster is here to take me to slumber land. Zzzzz...

But really, this was an amazing week.
And the next will just get better.
Love that gave forever.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Remembering grilled salmon nights
With Federer playing in the background
Roddick's huge sighs of loss
Don't seem to matter

Just in another world
Painting heartfelt
Muses of heart and soul

And I sit here
With a silly smile
My heart's content
And I feel loved

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Hiking Tip #008

#008. Always know and love your backpack before you go on a trip. It helps cos then it'll serve you well.


Gah. I have no idea why I am back here again. I just blogged like, last night or something like that.
Anyway, I have just realised that this is the 8th week of school already. Then we'll have a 2 week break, another four weeks, and it's back home again. Wow. The year sure pasts fast hey? I'm gonna be a year two! Omg. Soon enough, everyone will be going away from this Melbourne city that we call home for about 10 months of the year. And then it's back to our pasts again. From where we started. We always go back don't we? It's the whole theory of 'back to basics'.
It'll be another start to a new year, new resolutions, new goals, new achievements.
This time round, I'm rather excited to go back. As much as I know that when the time does come, I won't want to cos I'll be missing out back here. You lose some, you get some.

For now I suppose, there's assignments to be done, a new paid job to look forward to, learning to drive, a holiday, just ahead of me, where I can see it.

Remember to stop and smell the flowers.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Just for now.

I love waking up in the mornings, early, to the sound of the rest of the city waking up with you. The sky might still be dark, but you just know it in your bones that everyone else below you is up and about. Just peer out of the window, little people walking down streets in furcoats and high heels, briefcases and loafers. Oh such a city life. Lately, my goodhabit of sleeping early and waking early has been a really good change. I wake up refreshed, and ready to face the rest of the day. Even if it includes going for a run and then three lectures straight. Of course, I still fall asleep during lectures I suppose, but it definitely is occuring less nowadays.

2ndstoreyskit people have been the highlight of my life really. It's so amazing to see passionate people, and I love that feeling of being so into something. Hasn't happened so often since. I really need to pick up my baby again. Both of them. I feel so bad, taking them for granted like that.

I'm gonna get my me-time soon.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Under- Construction.

Hey people, who read my blog. I'm sorry for the REALLY drab outfit my blog has now. I am working rather hard on it, unfortunately, my html skills are terribly limited and so, I am going to get some 'professional' help, soon. While we're at it, I shall try to have the motivation to blog. If not, I will be back before you know it! Keep checking(:


Monday, September 04, 2006


Well, I must admit that I've never really taken to watching a man putting his head into a croc's hugeass mouth, but hey, give me credit for knowing who he is eh? Stingrays are hard things to trust. Well, I suppose Steve died doing what he loved doing(: We're really gonna miss ya mate.

This came as a shock. Not the falldownfrom the chair kinda shock, but just the openmouthbecausethereweresomanyphotosofhimontheweb kinda shock. So I just read on, and CRIKEY. Steve Irwin has just passed away. It was sad to see the number 44 as the age he passed away. I'm sure that he would have lived on to a healthy age. Well, rest in peace, Steve.

I will post my long overdue on meekness. In due course.